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Error handling

Zulip's API will always return a JSON format response. The HTTP status code indicates whether the request was successful (200 = success, 40x = user error, 50x = server error). Every response will contain at least two keys: msg (a human-readable error message) and result, which will be either error or success (this is redundant with the HTTP status code, but is convenient when printing responses while debugging).

For some common errors, Zulip provides a code attribute. Where present, clients should check code, rather than msg, when looking for specific error conditions, since the msg strings are internationalized (e.g. the server will send the error message translated into French if the user has a French locale).

Each endpoint documents its own unique errors; below, we document errors common to many endpoints:

Invalid API key

A typical failed JSON response for when the API key is invalid:

    "msg": "Invalid API key",
    "result": "error"

Missing request parameter(s)

A typical failed JSON response for when a required request parameter is not supplied:

    "msg": "Missing 'content' argument",
    "result": "error",
    "var_name": "content"

User not authorized for query

A typical failed JSON response for when the user is not authorized for a query:

    "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "msg": "User not authorized for this query",
    "result": "error"

User account deactivated

A typical failed json response for when user's account is deactivated:

    "code": "USER_DEACTIVATED",
    "msg": "Account is deactivated",
    "result": "error"

Realm deactivated

A typical failed json response for when user's organization is deactivated:

    "code": "REALM_DEACTIVATED",
    "msg": "This organization is deactivated",
    "result": "error"