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Link to a message or conversation

Share permanent links to messages, threads, and streams. With Zulip, it's easy to to link to specific (parts of) conversations from issue trackers, documentation, or other external tools.

  1. Click on a stream or topic in the left sidebar.

  2. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.

This works for all views, including searches. All URLs in Zulip are designed to be shareable.

  1. Hover over a message to reveal three icons on the right.

  2. Click the ellipsis ().

  3. Click Copy link to message.

This will copy to your clipboard a permanent link to the message, displayed in its thread (i.e. topic view for messages in a stream).

Viewing a thread via a message link will never mark messages as read.

Zulip uses the same permanent link syntax when quoting a message.