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PMs, mentions, and alerts

You can configure desktop, mobile, and email notifications for private messages, mentions, and alert words.

  1. Go to Notifications.

  2. Toggle the notification settings under Private messages, @-mentions, and alert words.

These settings will affect notifications for private messages, group private messages, mentions, and alert words.

You can also hide the content of private messages (and group private messages) from desktop notifications. Under Other notification settings, uncheck Include content of private messages in desktop notifications.

Wildcard mentions

By default, wildcard mentions (@**all**, @**everyone**) trigger email/push notifications as though they were personal @-mentions. You can toggle whether you receive notifications for wildcard mentions:

  1. Go to Notifications.

  2. Under Streams, toggle the @all checkbox.

Additionally, you can override this configuration for individual streams in your Stream settings, and administrators can restrict use of wildcard mentions in large streams.